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Pennsylvania Approves Medical Marijuana
Author: David Simons (D.O.)

Patients with chronic pain often face limited options when seeking pain relief. The opioid crisis is PA has led to recent greater scrutiny surrounding the prescribing of opiates. The Commonwealth has begun to address the opiate misuse problem. Pennsylvania (PA) will receive 26.5 million dollars in a federal grant to combat opioid abuse and ensure that opioids remain available as a treatment option. However, another type of pain relief medication has become the de facto treatment for many patients: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID).
Although many people consider NASID’s relatively low-risk medication, a study by the American Journal of Medicine found that annually about 107,000 Americans area hospitalized for gastrointestinal (GI) complications due to NSAID use.
An estimated 16,500 arthritis patients die each year from NSAID related complications. Recent data surrounding heart disease and NSAID usage has led the FDA to require labeling for all NSAID medication. This includes those sold over the counter to worn patients of the potential cardiac risks. Several studies have produced results demonstrating that cannabinoids – the chemical compounds found in medical marijuana- reduce pain and are approximately 20 times more potent than aspirin as an anti-inflammatory. Additionally, the National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine analyzed more than 10,000 studies on medical marijuana and found that short-term use of medical cannabis brought significant pain relief to patients, including those suffering from muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis.
Medical marijuana offers patients relief from debilitating pain with minimal risk, particularly when using strains low in THC – the main mind-altering chemical found in marijuana. Additionally, cannabis poses no risk of respiratory depression due to the paucity of cannabinoid receptors on the brain stem. Many patients use this medication with little or no psychoactive effects, making this a viable option for the treatment of chronic pain, muscle spasms and inflammation. In 2017, Governor Tom Wolf and state legislatures enacted one of the most comprehensive medical marijuana programs in the nation. Medical cannabis has been approved to treat 17 medical conditions in patients of all ages. Chronic pain has been included on the list of approved ailments. This is an important step that may help reduce the chronic use of NSAID.
Recent publications have suggested that medical marijuana will decrease the misuse of opiates. PA has made every effort to implement stringent requirements to ensure safety surrounding the production, sale, and use of medical marijuana. It will only be available in the form of pills, oils, topical creams, tincture, and liquid, and, must meet the FDA regulations. Other forms such as vaporization and nebulization will only be used when deemed medically appropriate. Dry leaf or plant forms commonly used for recreational use will not be permitted for sale in PA. If an individual is interested in obtaining medical marijuana from an approved dispensary, they will need a certification from a qualified physician confirming one or more of the approved medical conditions. The patient will need to register with the state and purchase a valid ID card.
For over 12,000, the cannabis plant has provided humankind with food, fiber, inebriation, and medicine. Cannabinoids interact with the protein receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system, located throughout the body. Different varieties of cannabis express different psychoactive trajectories. Understanding the chemical ecology produced within cannabis and how the body interacts with that chemistry enables consumers to use cannabis predictably and effectively.
The state has granted licenses for both growers and dispensaries and is in the final stages of providing certification to physicians, distributing identification cards to qualified patients and having dispensaries built. Around this time next year, Pennsylvania will be able to offer patients a safe and effective from of pain management. This treatment option will hopefully reduce the number of complications and deaths associated with the misuse and abuse of both opioids and NSAIDS. Pennsylvania residents should not have to sacrifice their health to find relief from pain.